To view Bible verses, click the button “Bibles” or press “Alt + B” key. Choose the appropriate translation by clicking on its tab.
Remark You can change your translation at any time by clicking on the tab of another Bible translation. This will also replace the current Bible verse selection with the verses of the new translation. There are three methods to display the verses:
Watch the tutorial “Search for verses” on YouTube (in french) 1. Type the Bible reference in the search box VideoPsalm recognizes conventional syntax of biblical references. A reference consists of a book name followed by a chapter number and verses of this chapter. Examples
Remark To separate the chapter and verses, use either:
Select a book Enter the name of the book in the search box of verses.
Example Type “He” and VideoPsalm automatically completes the name “Hebrew”. Remark For an abbreviation to be recognized, fill in each “Abbreviation” Bible book field and then save your changes. This method is recommended only if you are used to Bible book abbreviations. Select a chapter To enter an entire chapter, do not enter any verses. VideoPsalm then considers all the verses of the chapter. Example: Hebrews 11 selects the entire chapter 11. Select a specific verse To select a specific verse, enter the verse after the chapter, separated by a dot, a double point or the “v” letter. Example Hebrew 11:10 or Hebrew 11.10 or Hebrew 11v10 Select consecutive verses To enter consecutive verses, connect them with a hyphen. Example 1 Corinthians 2:12-15 Select non-consecutive verses To select non-consecutive verses, separate then with a comma “,”. Example 2 Timothy 3:16,18, 23-25 2. Select verses with the mouse (in the lists of books, chapters and verses) The second method is to use the mouse. Click on the book, chapter and verses to choose from. Again, it is possible to select specific verses, by clicking on a verse while holding down the “Control” key. Thus, by using one of these methods, you can at any time during the meeting display one or more verses on the screen in large, very quickly. Note If the speaker uses another translation that the one currently selected, click on the appropriate Bible. The selection will immediately reflect the text of the new translation. 3. Search for verses containing specific words or phrase People who know their Bible well, don't need this feature! However, more common people will find this feature quite handy: It enables you to find the exact Bible reference of a verse from which you only know a few words. Click on the “Search” button, to swap between “Bible reference” and “Keyword” search: Then, type in a few keywords that you know are found into the verse you are looking for. VideoPsalm instantly displays all the verses that match these words inside the selected Bible translation:
If you need to see the verse in its context (previous or following verses), click again on the “Search” button, to switch back to reference selection: